Bioprep-24 Homogenier

Bioprep-24 is your solution for sample preparation and cell lysis. The reliable, fast and high-throughput homogenizer to extract DNA, RNA or proteins from aniaml, human and plant tissues, micro-organisms, spores, bones, etc. Grind and homogenize a large range of biological samples, compatible with any analysis DNA-RNA Electrophoresis, Liquid Chromatography, Western Blot etc.Bioprep-24 is your solution for sample preparation and cell lysis. The reliable, fast and high-throughput homogenizer to extract DNA, RNA or proteins from aniaml, human and plant tissues, micro-organisms, spores, bones, etc. Grind and homogenize a large range of biological samples, compatible with any analysis DNA-RNA Electrophoresis, Liquid Chromatography, Western Blot etc.Bioprep-24 is your solution for sample preparation and cell lysis. The reliable, fast and high-throughput homogenizer to extract DNA, RNA or proteins from aniaml, human and plant tissues, micro-organisms, spores, bones, etc. Grind and homogenize a large range of biological samples, compatible with any analysis DNA-RNA Electrophoresis, Liquid Chromatography, Western Blot etc.Bioprep-24 is your solution for sample preparation and cell lysis. The reliable, fast and high-throughput homogenizer to extract DNA, RNA or proteins from aniaml, human and plant tissues, micro-organisms, spores, bones, etc. Grind and homogenize a large range of biological samples, compatible with any analysis DNA-RNA Electrophoresis, Liquid Chromatography, Western Blot etc.

186,000 บาท
315,000 บาท -41%
SealBio-2 Semi Automated Plate Sealer

The SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates. 1. With a small footprint (178×370mm), takes up less precious bench space than comparable instruments 2. Available with a variety of available heat seals meet any laboratory application, including PCR, coulorimetric, fluorescence, long term storage, low emperature storage 3. Formart different micro well plates and heat seals.The SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates. 1. With a small footprint (178×370mm), takes up less precious bench space than comparable instruments 2. Available with a variety of available heat seals meet any laboratory application, including PCR, coulorimetric, fluorescence, long term storage, low emperature storage 3. Formart different micro well plates and heat seals.The SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates. 1. With a small footprint (178×370mm), takes up less precious bench space than comparable instruments 2. Available with a variety of available heat seals meet any laboratory application, including PCR, coulorimetric, fluorescence, long term storage, low emperature storage 3. Formart different micro well plates and heat seals.The SealBio-2 Plate Sealer is a semi-automatic thermal sealer which is ideal for the low to medium throughput laboratory that requires uniformand consistent sealing of micro-plates. 1. With a small footprint (178×370mm), takes up less precious bench space than comparable instruments 2. Available with a variety of available heat seals meet any laboratory application, including PCR, coulorimetric, fluorescence, long term storage, low emperature storage 3. Formart different micro well plates and heat seals.

70,000 บาท
150,000 บาท -53%

Fast, effective and reproducible homogenization of a wide range of samples, including tissues and cells hard to lyse. They also own extraordinary power for the processing of even impact resistant samples such as bones or cartiage. The Bioprep-6 are ideal solutions for releasing DNA, RNA, Proteins, Enzymes, etc. from very tough samples while still retaining molecular integrity  

59,900 บาท
91,000 บาท -34%


4,600 บาท
6,500 บาท -29%

15 บาท
20 บาท -25%
Auto - Pure 96_Nucleic Acid Purification System (EACH)

Nucleic Acid Purification System :  เครื่องสกัดกรดนิวคลีอิกอัตโนมัติ สามารถสกัดกรดนิวคลีอิกได้ปริมาณมาก มีคุณภาพสูง ภายในเวลา    อันรวดเร็วเมื่อเทียบกับการสกัดด้วยวิธีปกติ

1,800,000 บาท
ROTOR FOR 12 x 5.0 ML. (BIOPREP-24) (EACH)

Accessories  (Bioprep-24)    Rotor for 12x5.0ml  (Bioprep-24)  1~12 samples . 

12,000 บาท


9,000 บาท

1,500 บาท


800 บาท
Items per pages


บริษัท แล็บ ลีดเดอร์ จำกัด ได้ตระหนักถึงความสำคัญเกี่ยวกับสิทธิ และความเป็นส่วนตัวของท่านเป็นอย่างยิ่ง จึงได้จัดทำนโยบายคุ้มครองข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลขึ้น

เพื่อให้ท่านในฐานะเจ้าของข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลตามพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล พ.ศ. 2562 ได้ทราบถึงรายละเอียดการเก็บรวบรวมใช้ และ เปิดเผย สำหรับการบริหารจัดการข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของบริษัทฯ

ทั้งนี้ ท่านสามารถดูรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับนโยบายคุ้มครอง ข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล